Respecting the past, Building the future

District 22 Participatory Budgeting Voting Begins

It’s that time of the year when Astoria residents can partake in grassroots democracy! District 22 Council Member Constantinides has once again set aside $1 million in capital spending for the community to decide what should be funded.

There are proposals on this year’s ballot to enhance local school, provide garden beautification and an ADA-accessible entrance at the Astoria Houses, renovating the hardball court at Hoyt Playground, additional funding for the ongoing renovation of the Astoria Library at 14th St., and a new picnic area at Ralph DeMarco Park.

Costa said in  a press release: “This is truly government for the people, by the people, as the public works were crafted at neighborhood assemblies this fall throughout District 22. I want to thank everyone who participated in that process.”

Anyone who lives in District 22 and is age 14 or older can vote. There are poll sites open on the following days:

March 30 from 12-14 pm at the Astoria Library at 14th St. and Astoria Blvd.
March 31 from 12-4 pm at Urban Upbound, 4-25 Astoria Blvd.
April 2nd from 6 to 8 pm at Bohemian Hall, 29-19 24th Ave.
April 4th from 6 to 8 pm at Astoria Houses Community Center, 404 Astoria Blvd.
April 6th  from 12-14 pm at the Astoria Library at 14th St. and Astoria Blvd.

You can also vote at Costa’s district office, 31-09 Newtown Avenue, Suite 209, from April 1 to April 5 from 9 am to 6 pm. But you can also pick your project online from March 30 to April 7 by clicking here to vote.


Participatory Budget Voting; photo credit Costa Constantinides via Flickr/Creative Commons

Avatar for Clare Doyle

Clare Doyle is a graduate of the M.A. program in Museum Studies at the University of Leicester, UK. She also holds a Graduate Diploma in Library and Information Studies as well as a B.A. in Archaeology and History from University Dublin, Ireland. She has worked for 30 years in library reference publishing in New York. Clare is the Vice President of Green Shores NYC, a non-profit group that advocates for a cleaner, greener and more connected waterfront in Astoria and Long Island City

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