Better Bus Service on 21st street in Astoria/LIC

The NYC Department of Transportation has begun the process of reaching out to the community to determine the creation of a “Better Bus” service on 21st street in Astoria/LIC. While many concerns regarding 21st street were discussed, the primary goal is to establish dedicated Bus lanes. They have provided us with the following presentation to share:
If you go to the section marked “Conceptual Design Options”, you can see the 3 proposed bus lanes that DOT is presenting.
They have made presentations to local Activists and leaders. Richard Khuzami of OANA has been included.
Mr. Khuzami made an inquiry about a fourth design option, that would consist of a curbside bus lane, that would only be enforced during rush hours, and allow parking and truck loading during off peak hours. DOT brought up issues regarding the width of the street, and scofflaws who would park during no standing times. However, we think this might still be a viable option, especially as bus delays are minimal during off peak hours.
DOT will be joining OANA on the June 23rd meeting. This is for general community outreach, not specific to the proposed bus lane, but they will respond to any questions you may have regarding the 21st street bus lane proposal.
DOT will also be hosting their own Public Outreach soon, and we will keep everyone advised.