Respecting the past, Building the future

Street Cleaning Event

Old Astoria Neighborhood Association (OANA), the Family Church, Astoria Houses Residents Association, Councilman Costa Constantanides, Borough President Melinda Katz, State Senator Michael Gianaris, and Assemblywoman Aravella Simotas are joining forces to try and clean up our neighborhood!!!!!!

Nothing reflects the quality of a neighborhood more than cleanliness!

“I’m excited to work with OANA, the Family Church, Astoria Houses Residents Association, and our local partners to ensure our neighborhood stays clean,” said Council Member Costa Constantinides, District 22. “A clean street can do wonders for the overall health of a community, which is why we sometimes must step up to make that happen.”

Currently the Sanitation Department will not clean streets unless we accept 4 times per week. (Twice on each side). We are not asking that Sanitation clean every street. We feel that this is up to the residents of each street. But what we are asking is that the default be 2 times per week (Once on each side). This gives residents an incentive to ask for street cleaning!

Another added benefit to street cleaning is that we will stop the parking of cars for extended periods of time. Residents lose precious parking spots! We should not be the long term parking lot for NYC!


Noon: Meet for lunch and instructions at Family Church (Lunch Donated by Latino Employee Resource Network.

1:30 PM: Start Cleanup!!! Everyone will be assigned different streets.

3:30 PM: meet at The Family Church discuss results, next steps, and media outreach.

Sponsors include:

Old Astoria Neighborhood Association 
Family Church
Councilman Costa Constantanides
Borough President Melinda Katz
State Senator Michael Gianaris
Assemblyperson Aravella Simotas
Astoria Houses Residents Association
R and R General Supply
AKI Development
Latino Employee Resource Network
The Historic St George Episcopal Church
Friends of Whitey Ford Field
Arcadia Bar and Kitchen
Renaissance Event Hall
Welling Court Mural Project

Bags, brooms, and gloves donated by R and R General Supply!

Please RSVP To rsvp@oana-ny.org and put “Street Cleanup” as the subject. We need to get an idea of attendees to make sure we have enough supplies.

We hope you join us for this important event. THERE IS STRENGTH IN NUMBERS! 

Avatar for Richard Khuzami

Mr. Khuzami has been a member of Community Board 1 in Astoria, NY for the last 20 years. He sits on the Zoning and parks Committees and is on the Executive Board. Previously, he served as Parks and Culture chair of Community Board 1 for eleven years and also chaired Capital and Expense priority Committee. He is a member of the Queens General Assembly and had been a panelist for grant submissions for the Queens Council on the Arts (QCA). Richard also is an officer of The Eastern Mediterranean Business Culture Alliance (EMBCA) and President of OANA.

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