Shore Blvd Closed

Community Affairs Officer Mujibulla Mashriqi has advised that Shore Blvd is now closed to vehicular traffic until further notice.
The Commanding Officer of the 114th Precinct, Deputy Inspector Osvaldo Nuñez, has taken this action for safety reasons for the general public.
Pedestrians and bicyclists will still have access.
During the COVID 19 crisis, pedestrians need all the open space they can get in order to social distance safely. Cars, who traditionally have used Shore Blvd as a “Strip” for partying, drag racing, parading, etc. will be eliminated from the mix.

OANA is in full support of this temporary initiative by the NYPD. We do ask that this be temporary as stated in our previous post. In the long run, seniors, the disabled, and service vehicles need access, and we ask that access be restored as soon as feasible.
Photos by: Richard Khuzami