School Bus Stop Signs

Gail Gualotuna from the Astoria Express school bus service attended our last meeting and had reached out for help. They have a problem with motorists ignoring the school bus stop signs and we requested she send us an email regarding this issue:
“For over 30 years, our school bus drivers take responsibility to provide service transportation to and from school in Astoria. Astoria Express is proud to give a helping hand to its community. Over the years, we had to take extra precautionary measures to ensure everyone’s safety. On a daily basis, our drivers confront impatient, inattentive, and reckless drivers (cars, bicyclists, mopeds/scooters,etc.) They violate the school bus stop signs when picking up and dropping off children. In addition to the traffic, we need to look out for parents cutting in front of the school bus to rush at their children’s pick up. These incidents are an everyday occurrence and force us to use more of our resources to maintain a safe environment for the service we pride ourselves in doing for the community. Finding a solution to this problem will not only guarantee the children’s safety but also everyone else in the area.”
Dori Cocoros took this issue to heart and found the following article on School Bus Stop Signs.
Extended Stop Sign Arms!! A real solution.
We advised Gail, and she reached out to the NYC DOT to see if they could get approval. We hope this real solution is approved!
We want to thank Gail for reaching out to us, and to Dori for seeking a solution. When neighbors work together, we can make for a better neighborhood. This is the main goal of OANA, and we appreciate everyone who joins us towards this goal.
Photo: Wikimedia Katy Warner