Queens General Assembly Looking For New Members For 2022

The Queens General Assembly is looking for new members for 2022. OANA President Richard Khuzami is an alum of this great organization and continues to contribute over the last 19 years.

Please consider applying:
“Borough President Donovan Richards Jr.’s Queens General Assembly is a borough-level intergroup dialogue project. It brings together community stakeholders of diverse backgrounds for meetings and activities that promote leadership enhancement, coalition building, and social networking. Recruitment for the 2022 session officially began on Monday, November 29th and continues through Monday, January 3rd, 2022. Twenty finalists will be appointed as Delegates and serve from January through December of 2022. Eligible candidates are Queens residents who care about their communities and are interested in bridging divides. Anyone over the age of 18 is welcome to apply.
Please complete this Google application:
Finalists will be contacted in mid-January. For more information, please email Susie Tanenbaum, the Borough President’s Queens General Assembly Coordinator, at stanenbaum@queensbp.org.“