Queens Community Board 1 Capital and Expense Public Hearing

Queens Community Board 1 Capital and Expense Public Hearing will take place at 6 PM, September 21, 2021
Every year each Community Board, with input from their respective communities, creates a prioritized list of capital and expense projects and services for the District.And every year they hold a Public hearing to invite everyone to make their ideas and needs known.
If you would like to comment on this matter and are unable to attend the hearing, please send your written comments to the Community Board office, Via FAX (718-626-1072), or e-mail (qn01@cb.nyc.gov).
Most Capital Projects are usually considered an infrastructure project and funded by Municipal Bonds. They include new construction, improvements, and repairs to existing infrastructure. Agencies that see a lot of these types of projects include the
- Parks Dept: Examples of capital projects include the construction or reconstruction of parks and playgrounds, ball fields, comfort stations and recreation centers, greenways, shoreline and natural areas, as well as street tree planting and the purchase of vehicles and computer equipment.
- Transportation: Capital Projects include traffic calming, School Safety, Safe Routes to Transit, public plazas, greenways, Select Bus Service, step streets, retaining walls, sea walls and bulkheads. Capital Projects are essential to keep the City’s infrastructure in a state of good repair.
- Other projects include school construction, water and sewer systems, and anything that
Creates an infrastructure asset.
Expense Budget consists of operational items to help the city run. covers the costs of running our city. It pays for the sanitation worker who picks up your garbage, and powers the lights at your local library. Funds are set aside to operate each city agency. This also includes the Debt Service, the City’s annual loan payment for long‑term Capital Projects for which the City borrows State & Federal money.
If you feel we need more police, more parks workers, agency staffing, elderly services, education services, etc. then the Expense Budget is where the request should be made. Expense items are funded out of tax revenues.
For a more detailed discussion on the Budget Process, please see https://www1.nyc.gov/site/queenscb1/resources/understanding-the-budget.page
This hearing is your opportunity to make your wishes heard. Please take the time to give the Community Board members the input they need to make decisions that truly reflect the needs and desires of the community.
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