Queens Property Tax Reform Hearing on June 9

OANA received information from the Mayor’s Community Affairs Unit about an upcoming Queens hearing on June 9 in regards to the NYC Advisory Commission on Property Tax Reform’s 10 initial recommendations to reform the property tax system hosted by the Commission. The borough-based Zoom hearing will begin at 6:00pm.
The Commission, which was created by Mayor de Blasio and City Council Speaker Corey Johnson, released its initial 10 Recommendations in January 2020. Public hearings were initially planned for spring 2020 but delayed due to COVID-19. The full report can be found on the Commission’s web page: https://www1.nyc.gov/site/propertytaxreform/index.page
Those wishing to testify must sign up on the Commission’s website no later than 24-hours before the hearing begins. Following registration, speakers will receive further instructions. To ensure the Commission hears from all those interested, speakers should plan to speak for no more than two minutes.
Speakers may (but need not) submit their testimony ahead of time by emailing it to PropTaxInfo@propertytaxcommission.nyc.gov, or by uploading it to the Commission’s website. The Commission will be holding virtual hearings in the Bronx on June 14 and Manhattan on June 16. Hearings were held in Staten Island on May 11 and Brooklyn on May 27. Individuals can testify at any borough hearing, not just the borough where they reside.
To request interpretation services please email PropTaxInfo@propertytaxcommission.nyc.gov or call 212-676-3072 by 5:00pm three business days before the hearing. For ASL, or to request an accommodation for a disability, please email or call by 5:00pm five business days before the hearing.