Respecting the past, Building the future

OANA June 26, 2023 Monthly Meeting Video Playback

For all those who missed or would like to reference our last meeting on 6/26/23, please see the meeting video playlist below which includes the entire evenings presentation as well as each presenters segment.

We appreciate everyone’s support, and hope that the these events are informative and contribute to everyone’s quality of life.

If you have any suggestions, we would greatly appreciate it.

Have a great summer! If any important issues come up we will advise.

If not, see everyone in September: Hopefully Live and in person

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OANA Monthly Meeting June 2023

Video Playlist

Meeting Agenda
June 26/23

Presentations by:

State Senator Kristen Gonzalez

Jacqueline Langsam: New Queens Parks Commissioner

Updates: Noguchi Museum, Socrates Sculpture Park, Welling Court Mural Project

Author: Richard Melnick: “Long Island City in 1776”

You can support the Old Astoria Neighborhood Association in more than one way.

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