Scooter Parking Study Initiated by DOT

Back in February, OANA proposed the idea of a study to see if no standing zones by intersections, (Daylighting), could be utilized to park scooters without effecting driver’s line of sight to oncoming traffic. We are not taking a position for or against, as the primary need of these is and should remain safe vehicular movement through intersections.
But today, as scooters and mopeds become more popular, creating dedicated parking would make much safer parking for all vehicles. Today, these Scooters squeeze between cars, and often get knocked down, and also cause damage to the automobiles.
We were notified by John O’Neil with DOT that they are initiating the study with their Parking division for more thorough review. They are going to take a look at that and see if that’s feasible and if so how or where we would scale such a proposal.
We look forward to receiving the results of their study and will let everyone know as soon as we do.