New Generators for Astoria Houses
FEMA Funds secured for rehabilitation of NYCHA facilities because of Super Storm Sandy are funding new Surge protecting Generators to be installed on the roofs of some flood prone Astoria House buildings. These should help mitigate against damage and power outages from any future storms.
The December 2015 FEMA grant of $3 billion has so far funded $1.85 billion in contracts to make NYCHA buildings and their inhabitants less likely to experience the hardships of future storms to come through structural reinforcement, storm surge protection and infrastructure upgrades.
Also, Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney was instrumental in securing 75 million in federal funds to help in the NYCHA Recovery effort
OANA believes that Climate Change is a real issue, regardless of whether it is man made or part of nature (Or a combination), and needs to be addressed aggressively.
Investments in infrastructure are essential for the long term health of our community.
Photo: Jackie Strawbridge