New Eight Story Building Coming to 21-04 30th Drive in Astoria

A permit has been filed for an “As of Right” eight-story building in our neighborhood of Astoria, Queens. The project is located at 21-04 30th Drive, between 21st Street and 23rd Street. The building is also a 10-minute walk to the 30th Avenue subway station, serving the N and W trains. Szilvia Barnett is stated as the owner of the building and Christopher V. Papa Architects as the architect of the project.
The lot will be 95-foot tall, yielding a total of 45,751 square-feet of residential space. The development will have 56-unit residencies, 12 of which are affordable housing. Units will very likely be rented based on the average unit scope of 816 square feet. The project will contain a cellar, 30-foot rear yard, and 59 off-street parking spaces for cars and 46 spaces for bikes.
Due to the lot being vacant, demolition permits will not likely be needed. A completion date has not been announced yet.
Photo: Google Maps