Respecting the past, Building the future

MTA Funding for Accessible Transit projects

The Metropolitan Transportation Authority has amended it’s capital plan to allocate at least $600 million for accessibility projects.

They state this will “significantly increases the agency’s investment” in Americans With Disabilities Act accessibility projects. $300 million is allocated for station improvements, $200 million for enhancements such as elevators and $100 million to renovate and make design improvements to platforms and other infrastructure needs.

“We are putting an increased focus on accessibility with all of our planning moving forward, and this plan amendment is a direct result of that promise,” MTA Chairman Joseph Lhota said in a statement. “We have a lot more work to do but this plan amendment—as well as our board working group on accessibility and the commitment of NYC Transit President Andy Byford—demonstrate our commitment to accessibility for all of our customers.”

Accessibility on our public transit has been priority issue for our local public officials, Community Board, OANA, and advocacy groups such as UpStand. https://www.up-stand.com/pages/advocacy

We applaud the steps taken by the MTA.

Crowded subway car: Image taken by Daniel Schwen

Avatar for Richard Khuzami

Mr. Khuzami has been a member of Community Board 1 in Astoria, NY for the last 20 years. He sits on the Zoning and parks Committees and is on the Executive Board. Previously, he served as Parks and Culture chair of Community Board 1 for eleven years and also chaired Capital and Expense priority Committee. He is a member of the Queens General Assembly and had been a panelist for grant submissions for the Queens Council on the Arts (QCA). Richard also is an officer of The Eastern Mediterranean Business Culture Alliance (EMBCA) and President of OANA.

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