Respecting the past, Building the future

Landlord Watchlist

It is extremely important that the public be aware of Landlords who do not meet their obligations in regards to their tenant’s quality of housing. The List of Landlords (provided by the Public Advocate) who do not meet housing standards is an important instrument in holding them accountable.

It is also important that we congratulate those landlords who make the concerted effort to rectify any shortcomings. In this regard, OANA would like to congratulate Alma Realty, last year number three on the list, today they are entirely removed.

Alma Realty, developers of Astoria Cove, is showing that they can be the type of neighbors who seek a better community, and we  look forward to working with them towards that end.

Avatar for Richard Khuzami

Mr. Khuzami has been a member of Community Board 1 in Astoria, NY for the last 20 years. He sits on the Zoning and parks Committees and is on the Executive Board. Previously, he served as Parks and Culture chair of Community Board 1 for eleven years and also chaired Capital and Expense priority Committee. He is a member of the Queens General Assembly and had been a panelist for grant submissions for the Queens Council on the Arts (QCA). Richard also is an officer of The Eastern Mediterranean Business Culture Alliance (EMBCA) and President of OANA.

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