Respecting the past, Building the future

Innovation QNS Town Hall On April 20, 2022

The Innovation QNS team invites the residents of Old Astoria for an in-person town hall on April 20th, from 4 pm to 7 pm. The event will take place at the Museum of the Moving Image, 36-01 35th Ave, and serve to better inform residents about the Innovation QNS project in Astoria. This project could significantly change the nature of the neighborhood, and everyone’s input is important!.

Attendees will be able to offer their feedback on such projects. Simultaneous translations to multiple languages, including Bengali, Mandarin, Greek, and Spanish will be available during the event.

Please see the following notices:

English Full version

Spanish Full version, Condensed version

Greek Full version, Condensed version

Bengali Full version, Condensed version

Chinese Full version, Condensed version

For More Information and to register for this event, please visit the link here. Innovation QNS will NOT require registration prior to entry and will accept walk-ins.

Avatar for Thiago Oliveira

A Brazilian from birth, I came to the United States to fulfill his dream of completing his undergraduate at an American institution. I am a recent graduate with a pre-Medical curriculum and a B.A. in Politics from New York University. I have extensive knowledge in the fields of comparative politics, international politics, and political theory.

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