Respecting the past, Building the future

Importance of the 2020 Census

There are officially 56 days until the end of the 2020 Census, and only 54.8% of New York City households have completed the census. OANA is urging the community to do better.

U.S. Census Bureau enumerators, commonly known as “census takers,” have started going door-to-door to the homes of New Yorkers who have not yet completed the census. This Nonresponse Followup (NRFU) began as early as August 6, 2020, in New York City. While census takers are well trained to help all residents complete the census, New Yorkers can avoid a knock at their door by simply going to my2020census.gov and filling out the census in just a few minutes. The census can also be completed over the phone at 1-844-330-2020. Additional phone numbers for direct service available in 13 languages are included below.

The deadline for the 2020 Census is September 30th. Participating in the census is safe for all — there are no questions about citizenship or immigration on the census. Most importantly, census answers are 100% confidential and cannot be used against you.

We need all New Yorkers to get counted to ensure our communities get our fair share of federal funding for schools, hospitals, housing, and more, in addition to the representation in Congress that we deserve!

To complete the census, visit my2020census.gov or call:

English: 844-330-2020

Spanish: 844-468-2020

Mandarin: 844-391-2020

Cantonese: 844-398-2020

Vietnamese: 844-461-2020

Korean: 844-392-2020

Russian: 844-417-2020

Arabic: 844-416-2020

Tagalog: 844-478-2020

Polish: 844-479-2020

French: 844-494-2020

Haitian Creole: 844-477-2020

Portuguese: 844-474-2020

Japanese: 844-460-2020

Telephone Display Device (TDD):  844-467-2020


Photo: Clare Doyle


Avatar for Anna de la Rosa

Anna de la Rosa is a rising senior at New York University majoring in Media, Culture, and Communication. She has extensive experience in writing, editing, and strategizing for many digital and print publications as well as social media platforms. She is currently writing a newsletter called analog.

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