Hell Gate Bridge Meeting

The next meeting of the Hell Gate Centenary Celebration Group at Riccardos on Thursday April 27th at 6:30 PM. Get updates on the plans for celebrating the Hell Gate’s 100th birthday, as well as the mural created by artists (in conjunction with the New York Anti-Crime Agency) on the base of the bridge in Astoria Park. The new mural celebrates the bridge’s centenary and uses the themes of the Statue of Liberty and American bald eagle. The meeting will also decide on three logos designed for the centenary that will be used on T-shirts, patches and stationery. Plans for the “Day of Service’ to be held in Astoria Park on September 9 will be discussed: the Day of Service will kick off with the “Hellgate 100 NYC 5 K Run” and the Hellgate Road Runners will go over their plans during the meeting. There will be a free gift for all attendees!
Riccardos is at 21-01 24th Avenue.
Photo: Hell Gate Bridge Mural – Neil Hardan