Friends of Whitey Ford Field In Full Support of Proud Astorian’s BIG CLEANUP

Members and Supporters of Friends of Whitey Ford Field were proud to support Proud Astorian’s BIG CLEANUP effort of public spaces on the waterfront south of Astoria Park. Two teams of volunteers split up to remove litter and empty garbage cans along Vernon Boulevard. Whitey Ford Field, Rainey Park, Socrates Sculpture Park, Halletts Cove Playground, and around Halletts Point were covered.
The event was organized by a local group called Proud Astorian which is coordinating neighborhood cleanups and sponsored by the Old Astoria Neighborhood Association, which is the fiscal sponsor to Friends of Whitey Ford Field.
Said Neil Herdan, Co-chair of the group –“Since we were founded in 2017, we have never missed an opportunity to clean up the field.”
Other participants came from all over Astoria including Astoria Social and local residents. At least seven bags of garbage were collected from around the field. Whitey Ford Field is currently in the process of being renovated and is closed off for baseball and softball activities.
Photo: courtesy –Proud Astorian