Fireworks in Astoria Park

This years Fireworks in Astoria Park will take place on Thursday, June 28th at 7:30 PM
The event will feature a special performance by the Patriot Brass Ensemble, followed by a spectacular Gucci fireworks display over the waterfront.
This event has traditionally brought all Astorians together in what is considered the premier Community event of the year. Combine the beauty of Astoria Park, Hellgate, the RFK and Hellgate Bridges and you are in store for an unforgettable evening!
Sponsors include Council Member Costa Constantinides, support from Council Member Jimmy Van Bramer, and in part by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council and the generosity of its corporate sponsors: NRG, Kaufman Astoria Studios, Thomas M. Quinn & Sons Funeral Home, Atlantic Bank, Dunkin’ Donuts, Mount Sinai Queens, NYC Ferry and The Durst Organization.