Eliminate the jungle of overhead cables!

One of our most egregious quality of life issues is the canopy of overhead wires, especially from Cable Companies, that infests most of Astoria (And NYC). OANA has been actively bringing attention to this matter in an Op-Ed you can read here and the Queens Gazeette.
One huge issue is the fact that when cable companies install new service, they do not remove the cables from the old service, and they multiply and overrun our streets like some malignant growth.
We propose creating “Common” cables for the transmission of data into our streets and homes. Each living space should have one cable that would be used by all cable services, eliminating the need for changing and adding cables every time the service provider changes. And with this, it becomes more feasible to bury service, as it does not have to be accessed whenever there is a change in service providers.
This is a simple, common-sense solution to an issue that affects us all. This is the kind of issue the government was created for, and we hope our elected officials support this proposal.