Respecting the past, Building the future

D22 Participatory Budgeting 2023-2024

OANA has received the following information from District 22 Councilmember Tiffany Caban regarding her Participatory Budgeting program. This allows our neighborhood to have a direct say I’m improvements in Quality of life.

Please take advantage, submit your ideas, and down the road vote for those items you support.

The Office of Council Member Tiffany Cabán about Participatory Budgeting! Our office is currently in the idea collection phase of Participatory Budgeting, and we’d love for you to share your ideas with us.

If you didn’t already know, Participatory Budgeting (PB) is a democratic process in which community members can propose, evaluate, and vote on projects in their City Council districts. Our office has allocated $1 million in capital funding that can be used for physical infrastructure projects like improvements to schools, parks, libraries, and other public spaces. We are also allocating $50,000 in expense funding for PB, which is programmatic in nature and can be used for community classes, equipment, and staffing. This year, our office is specifically focusing on projects that create a safer, healthier district. This could be in the form of school safety, street safety, violence prevention and response, and more! Please advise all participants to submit their ideas by Friday, November 10th.

Our main request to you is to please submit any ideas that you may have. Anyone 11 and up can participate in PB. Anyone can submit ideas online at ideas.pbnyc.orgg, or by joining our collection event to be held Thursday, October 26th at PS 85. RSVP for the event at bit.ly/d22pbideas.

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