Costa Constantinides Moves On

Councilman Costa Constantinides has accepted a position with the Variety Boys and Girls Club in Astoria. This is consistent with his desire to work for our Community, and we are lucky that he has decided to continue with this essential organization.
In an era when most politicians, after they term out, end up working as Lobbyists or Attorneys, it is indeed refreshing to see someone break this mold, and continue as an advocate for a better quality of life for all Astorians. OANA applauds his choices.
Costa has left a great legacy, foremost being the renovation and updating of most local parks, and his advocacy for sustainability and green issues.
He is also especially known for his work to convert Rikers Island into a green power generation facility.
Costa also has a great appreciation for family, which also makes the Family Oriented Variety Boys and Girls Club a perfect choice. Giving our young people a positive destination to go to is essential to create an inclusive, safe neighborhood.
It has been a rough year for Costa, a “Long Hauler” COVID victim. His story as told in facebook is indeed heartwrenching.
Following is his statement upon resigning from the City Council: Costa’s look back on his city council terms and his future with the Variety Boys and Girls Club
Costa has always had a great love of sports, especially the Yankees, and has always supported our young people. His advocacy for Old Astoria, Hallets Peninsula, and our NYCHA Campus Astoria Houses reflects this. We at OANA greatly appreciate all he has done in our community and his support of our transportation and sanitation initiatives that help make our neighborhood livable.
And any time we asked him to appear before our members, he immediately, without hesitation, made sure he joined us. (As compared to our other local councilman who never appeared or sent a rep).
So OANA looks forward to continuing to work with Costa, as we all focus together on creating a great Astoria.
Photos:AVS Production Company