City Waterfront Planning – Comments And Feedback Are Welcome

OANA received the following from The NYC Department of City Planning, and we would like to share this. An opportunity to provide your personal input and insights on NYC’s waterfront. Comments are being accepted until November 30th, 2020.
Over the past two months, DCP hosted 12 virtual workshops to discuss the framework for NYC’s next Comprehensive Waterfront Plan. The framework, released in September 2020, includes a set of draft goals for the next Comprehensive Waterfront Plan organized by themes such as Public Access, the Working Waterfront, and Resiliency and Climate Change. Over 1,000 people registered for the virtual workshops from all five boroughs, and we are very grateful to everyone who joined.
For those who could not join the workshops, please go to the following link to view
City Planning is soliciting Comments on the proposals until November 30th, at the following:
OANA urges everyone who can to please add their comments. Take an afternoon during the Thanksgiving Holiday to view the workshop, and forward your comments and ideas. NYC is a city built around water: We are a series of Islands, which give NY is character and uniqueness.
For too long, our waterfronts have been ignored or relegated to second class status, and we have an opportunity to change that, and also to incorporate climate change, which will be a big part of opportunities on the waterfront.