Astoria Blvd Station Has Reopened

We are excited to let you know that the Astoria Blvd station has reopened. Over the course of the last nine months, there has been significant work completed on the station including:
- New mezzanine
- Strengthened column foundations
- Four new mezzanine to platform staircases
- Two new street to mezzanine staircases
- Rehabilitated platforms
- New LED lighting
- New canopy roofs
- New art glass at the mezzanine and the platform stair enclosures
- Increased vertical clearance of the station to reduce trucks striking the structure
This does not mean that the work at the station is finished. While the reopened station has been opened as quickly as possible for customers, the coming months at the station will include:
- Four new elevators
- Install ADA Accessibility features
- Rebuild elevated walkways
- Install new Benches
- Finish platform stair enclosures
- Install digital signage
- Upgrade streets and sidewalks
This is the MTA dedicated Astoria Line webpage please reach out to OANA if you have questions at