Astoria Blvd N/W station renovations and closures Q and A

MTA-NYC Transit presented information to OANA at a meeting at the Family Church in Old Astoria. Whenever we have a presenter who states, when a question is asked, that they will research and return with an answer, we do our best to hold them to this commitment. We would like to thank the MTA-NYC Transit for providing the following answers to questions posed by our audience.
On January 30th, theWe do expect that they will return to answer further inquiries, especially after the full closure of the Astoria Blvd station starting March 17th, through December 2019. Date TBD
“Question from Joe Vaccaro: has using solar panels in the renovated stations been considered?
At this time solar panels are not part of the power source portfolio for individual stations. However, it doesn’t rule out new power source technology to be installed in the future.
Question from Marcia Henry: she is concerned that overcrowding on the M60 bus, especially at rush hour, will increase. Are there plans for additional buses?
We anticipate the majority of Astoria Blvd customers will be going to Ditmars Blvd or 30th Av stations during the station closure. We will closely monitor ridership on the M60 and make adjustments wherever possible.
Question from Adam Fisher-Cox: During the station closures when detours are necessary, what is being done to ensure M60 and Q19 buses as well as the Subway Shuttle buses can continue to move and not get stuck in the potential car traffic – including but not limited to temporary bus lanes and/or removing parking on the affected blocks to allow more lanes of traffic? As one transit option is shut down, it’s all the more important the other options are usable.
We believe we have a good plan in place during traffic detours, including many NYPD Traffic Enforcement Agents. We will closely monitor bus service and make adjustments wherever possible during detours.
Question from Aliza Greenberg: will there be LED lighting in the stations?
There is new LED lighting at 30 Av, 36 Av, Broadway, and 39 Av-Dutch Kills stations. Astoria Blvd will also have LED lighting.
Question from Charles Eccleston: can the Q100 stop at Hoyt Ave North?
The Q100 is a Limited Stop Bus. Currently, we do not have plans for an additional stop at Hoyt Avenue North. However, we will continue to monitor this area for ridership changes during the station closure and make adjustments if needed.
Question from Emmett : has it been considered that the N/W and F train might be closed on the same weekends, reducing the options to get to Manhattan?
MTA-NYCT has always strived to make sure that there are viable alternate options available to our customers during major service disruptions.
Question from Richard Khuzami: what kind of support will be offered to businesses on Astoria Blvd, especially the new businesses?
We did outreach to businesses in December to notify them of the upcoming closure, giving them notice and the ability to plan ahead.
While we at OANA understand that many answers above from the MTA-NYC Transit propose a wait and see attitude, this is understandable as the actual closures have not happened yet.
Feel free to reach out in the future with specific issues you feel need to be addressed and we will do the best we can to make sure they are aware of the communities needs.