Respecting the past, Building the future

Recap of the Friends of Whitey Ford Field Cleanup Saturday July 8

A major thank you to everyone who came to Whitey Ford Field this weekend to help pick up trash and add a new coat of paint to the railings of the bleachers. We are in the process of scheduling the next cleanup and would love to have you as part of it. Stay tuned for the date! For questions and more info please contact friendsofwhiteyfordfield@gmail.com

We could not have done this without the support of our friends at Partnerships for Parks, City Parks Foundation, Old Astoria Neighborhood Association, Costa Constantinides and Queens Borough President Melinda Katz. We thank you!

And thanks to Joe Nocerino, from the Queensborough President’s Office, who took the team photo!

Whitey Ford Field Cleanup, photo credit: Clare Doyle

Avatar for Neil Herdan

Neil Herdan is an Astoria resident as well as co-chair of Friends of Whitey Ford Field.

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