14th st 2-way conversion

We received the following from the NYC Department of Transportation:
“14th Street (Broadway to 30 Ave) will be converted to a two-way roadway on Tuesday 7/14/2020. The project will entail no parking removal. The road is 44′ wide. There will be a double yellow line installed down the middle along with parking lanes. The lanes will be equivalent width – two 11′ travel lanes, two 11′ parking lanes. 31 Ave will be an All-Way Stop as will 30 Ave. “
OANA has been advocating for this for many years.
- Slowing down speeding traffic: This wide road invites speeding when one-way
- As a bypass northbound of 21st street, this will feed more traffic into the growing retail businesses on Astoria Blvd. It will also expedite access to Vernon Blvd and Hallets Cove.
- This is the first step in trying to secure a traffic signal on 30th Ave and 14th st, so we can protect our students at PS 171. The one-way traffic made such a signal impossible.
We appreciate the efforts of our Councilman Costas Constantinides, Community Board 1, and PS 171 for supporting our efforts.
Photo: Richard Khuzami