OANA June 2018 Meeting
- Councilman Jimmy Van Bramer: Updates on District Issues
- NYC Economic Development Corp Eleni Bourinaris with plans for new Hallets Cove Kayak Launch
- Deputy Inspector Osvaldo Nuñez of the 114th Precinct (Note: Subject to change due to Police Business)
- Other Presenters TBD
- Food provided by Made In Astoria (MIA)
Our space is limited so please RSVP@oana-ny.org if you plan to attend. Thank you!
**All meetings subject to change.
REMINDER: Astoria Park Alliance and OANA Are Sponsoring a
Fathers Day, Classic Car event, June 17 11am to 3pm
WITH LIVE MUSIC BY D.B. Reilly on Shore Blvd in Astoria Park!