Respecting the past, Building the future

OANA April Meeting Reminder & News

**Reminder that our next meeting, Tuesday April 10 at 7 pm, is at Historic St. George’s Episcopal Church, 14-02 27th Avenue (basement level). The entrance is located at the back of the parking lot on the 14th Street side of the church.  

Featuring Presentations By:

1.District 22 Council Member Costa Constantinides;  hosting a participatory budgeting voting session, open to all District 22 residents. Also, he will update us on 18th st speed bump status, district issues, and answer questions.

2.Queens Division Chief Christine Mazzola of the FDNY Bureau of Emergency Medical Services. Answering questions about EMS Services

3. A representative from Council Member Chaim Deutch’s office, who will discuss legislation lifting alternate side parking restrictions at movie shoots (Co Sponsored by Costa)

4.Representatives from Up-Stand, who will discuss the need for accessible subway stations.

5.Frank Arcabascio of the 30th ave Businessman’s Association

Our refreshments will be provided by the good folks at Arcadia Bar and Kitchen. And they wanted us to let you know that:
“We are excited to be part of the Old Astoria Neighborhood Association family! We would like to introduce ourselves to you. Arcadia is privileged to provide the food for the OANA meeting at St. George’s Church on April 10. Please join us afterwards at our location at 12-21 Astoria Boulevard. We are right next door! The kitchen will be serving food until 10 pm. See you there! George Hatzopoulos and George Alatsas.”

Our space is limited so please RSVP to RSVP@oana-ny.org if you intend to attend. Thank you!

The event is finished.


Apr 10 2018


7:00 pm - 7:00 pm


Saint Georges Church
14-20 27th Avenue
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