EMBCA Community Service Event Moderated by Richard Khuzami
EMBCA Community Service Event Moderated By OANA President Richard Khuzami on February 25 at 2P.M. EST.
EMBCA and OANA invites New York Businesses to join us for “NYC Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings (OATH) Community Service” Event on Thursday, February 25 at 2P.M. EST.
This meeting will feature OATH:
NYC Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings (OATH) This Court adjudicates NYC Agency violations. Understanding of its procedures and issues is extremely important.
While we know many of you hire attorneys to deal with fines and violations with city agencies, it is important that you have some understanding of the process, so you can make sure all fees, charges, etc are legitimate, whether from the government or counsel.
EMBCA has been asked by OATH to host an informational event to home and business owners in New York City and has agreed as a community service. This event will be in association with the Old Astoria Neighborhood Association, the Greater Harlem Chamber of Commerce, the Greek Homeowners Association, and AHEPA District 6, and AHEPA Hermes Ch. No. 186,
The event will be moderated by EMBCA’s V.P. and Old Astoria Neighborhood Association President Richard Khuzami.
The presenters will include:
Commissioner at Oath Joni Kletter Deputy
Commissioner OATH J Castilli
Special Assistant to Commissioner Rachel Amar
They will present a unique and informative presentation with questions and answers representing the official word of the Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings relating to what to do if you get a summons. OATH’s mission is to provide fair and neutral administrative proceedings, which protect the due process rights of all litigants—me and you the public. Matters adjudicated at the OATH are akin to civil trials without a jury. The procedural rules are streamlined but pre-trial discovery is available. While administrative hearings & trials do not mandate strict applications of the rules of evidence or the rules of civil procedure, OATH relies upon both to ensure the essential elements of a fair trial are afforded to all litigants.
Other participants:
NYS Restaurants Association
Sunnyside Shines BID:
American Sephardic Alliance
Fiatlux Studios
Queens Chamber of Commerce
Bronx Chamber of Commerce
Manhattan Chamber of Commerce
Staten Island Chamber of Commerce
Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce
Greek American Homeowners
30th Avenue Business Association:
Knowledge is Power!!!!!! Protect yourself and your business!